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로그인 장바구니 위시리스트
상품후기 마이페이지 고객센터

0-25V 를 0-2.5V 로, 0-35V 를 0-3.5V 로 변환
LJTick-Divider-10 : 1/10 신호감쇄기 (0-25V 를 0-2.5V로)
페이스북 트위터 
판매가격 45,100원45,100원
적립금 451원
회원등급 최대
모델명 LJTick-Divider-10
원산지 미국
제조사 LabJack
할인쿠폰 바로 할인받는 쿠폰 12.8%쿠폰받기▶
좋아요 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
모바일/테블릿 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
배송 택배100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
총 상품금액 45,100

0-25V 신호를 0-2.5V 신호로 변환
0-35V 신호를 0-3.5V 신호로 변환

The LJTick-Divider (LJTD) is a signal conditioning module designed to take two single-ended higher voltage analog signals, and divide them by a specified value. These devices come in divide by 4, 5, 10, 25, and "C" or Custom. The 4-pin design plugs into the standard AIN/AIN/GND/VS screw terminal block found on LabJacks such as the U3, U6, UE9, T7, and T4.  The use of large resistors and a precision op-amp buffer provides an input impedance of 1 megaohm. The resistors can be customized to allow for a wide range of configurations.

The LJTD can also be used with higher voltage digital signals.  The LJTD-4 works for 12V or 24V logic.  A 12V signal will divide down to about 3.0V which is a logic high for any LabJack.  A 24V signal (or even much higher voltages) will result in about 3.5V, as that is the max output of the LJTD, and that also is a good logic high for any LabJack.

Download the LJTick-Divider datasheet

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