CS1100 : Test Fixtures - three boards, 보드#1 낮은 임피던스 (1mOhm - 1kOhm), 보드#2 높은 임피던스 (1 ohm - 25kOhm), 그리고 보드#3 (B-H, X primary, X leakage, Cww, N, and Xmutual) 변환 테스트용 보드 3가지
Test Fixtures - three boards, one for low impedance (1mOhm - 1kOhm), another for high impedance (1 ohm - 25kOhm), and the third for transformer testing (B-H, X primary, X leakage, Cww, N, and Xmutual)
보드 # 1 : Low impedance (1mOhm - 1kOhm)
보드 # 2 : High impedance (1 ohm - 25kOhm)
보드 # 3 : Transformer testing (B-H, X primary, X leakage, Cww, N, and Xmutual)
Test Fixtures - three boards, one for low impedance (1mOhm - 1kOhm), another for high impedance (1 ohm - 25kOhm), and the third for transformer testing (B-H, X primary, X leakage, Cww, N, and Xmutual)