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PC에서 자동차 진단을 할 수 있게 해주는 ScanTool사의 OBD-II 차량용 스캐너, OBDwiz 포함, P/N : 425801
OBDLink SX(USB), P/N : 425801,OBD-II 차량용 스캐너, USB 연결 자동차 진단
페이스북 트위터 
판매가격 57,200원
적립금 572원
회원등급 최대
모델명 OBDLink SX
원산지 미국
제조사 Scantool
할인쿠폰 바로 할인받는 쿠폰 12.8%쿠폰받기▶
좋아요 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
모바일/테블릿 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
배송 택배100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
추가구성 (추가 구매를 원하시면 선택하세요.)
ㄱ자형 연장선
총 상품금액 57,200

OBDLink는 ScanTool에서 만든 PC에서 사용하는 차량용 스캐너입니다. PC에 프로그램 설치 하신 후 자동차와 PC를 본제품과 케이블로 연결하면 동작합니다. PC에 데이타 저장, 이메일로 전송 등의 PC기능을 편리하게 사용할 수 있습니다.

2000년이후 국내 모든차량(가솔린 과 LPG 그리고 승용디젤 까지) 지원,

대우 레조 차량은 지원 안됨, 현대 투스카니 차량은 수출 모델은 적용되나 내수는 지원 안됩니다.

CAN통신 지원, 모든 OBD-II 프로토콜 지원, 밴드 속도도 선택가능.

http://ezdaq.com/board/view?id=board3&page=100&seq=855  에 OBDI 을 OBDII 로 변환하는 변환기가 소개되어 있습니다.


 및 http://cafe.naver.com/kobd.cafe 

OBD 코드표 및 설명이 되어 있습니다.

Naver 의 KOBD 카페에 회원 가입하려면 Naver 로그인 후에 다음 링크를 클릭 http://cafe.naver.com/kobd.cafe?iframe_url=/ArticleRead.nhn%3Farticleid=4771 카페 회원 가입 절차를 밟으시기 바랍니다.

** http://www.obd-codes.com/ 에도 트러블 코드등 많은 정보가 있습니다

OBD(On-Board Diagnostic, 배출가스 자기진단장치)



OBDLink SX will quickly and accurately diagnose engine problems and access performance parameters for all OBD-II compliant vehicles. Use the latest version of OBDwiz software on any Windows laptop, netbook, or PC and you have a sophisticated, easy-to-use diagnostic system — for a small fraction of the cost of comparable standalone units! OBDLink SX provides the same core functionality as the original OBDLink in a straightforward, plug-and-play package.

The latest version of the free, feature-packed OBDwiz diagnostic software included with the scan tool allows you to:

  • Turn off the check engine light, and erase stored diagnostic information.
  • Read and erase stored, pending, and permanent trouble codes (both generic and manufacturer-specific).
  • Access freeze frame information.
  • Display, graph, and log 90+ real-time parameters
  • Create custom digital dashboards
  • Measure and display fuel economy
  • And much more!
Premium diagnostic software, such as ScanXL and ScanMaster, offer a myriad of additional features, including access to proprietary systems such as ABS, and thousands of enhanced manufacturer-specific parameters. The firmware inside OBDLink SX is upgradeable, which means you can enjoy the latest features simply by downloading a free update.

Key features

  • Plug-and-play design
  • Greatly increased data throughput delivers faster screen updates and more graph points
  • Supports all legislated OBD protocols:
    • ISO15765-4 (CAN)
    • ISO14230-4 (Keyword Protocol 2000)
    • ISO9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles)
    • J1850 VPW (GM vehicles)
    • J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles)
  • Compatible with more diagnostic software than any other scan tool
  • Advanced commands to perform enhanced diagnostics not possible with older ELM327-based scan tools.
  • User upgradeable via free downloads
  • Improved automatic protocol detection - OBDLink SX connects with more vehicles than any other scan tool.
  • Smart, keep-alive algorithm helps ensure a constant connection on all vehicles, even ISO and KWP.
  • The large CAN memory buffer makes OBDLink SX the most stable scan tool available.
  • Dimensions: 3.5 L x 1.75 W (89 mm x 45 mm)


OBDLink SX is compatible with all model year 1996-2011 cars and light trucks sold in the United States, including all American, European, and Asian vehicles. OBD legislation varies from country to country, therefore if you reside outside the United States, check here to verify that your vehicle is OBD-2 compliant before purchasing this product. If you have any concerns, please remember that we offer a hassle-free full refund within 90 days of purchase.

Package contents

  • OBDLink SX unit
  • Quick Start Guide
  • Installation CD (includes latest OBDWiz diagnostics software)


OBDLink SX Quick Start Guide
USB drivers
OBDwiz Diagnostic Software
Firmware Updates
STN11XX datasheet


See what other customers say about this tool, and ask questions on our user forum: OBDLink SX board.


OBDLink SX comes with an unconditional 90-day money-back guarantee, and a 3 year warranty.