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OBD II Chip (STN1110 Multiprotocol OBD II to UART Interpreter:: 차량용 OBD-II 스캐너 제작등에 사용되는 OBD통신용 칩)
페이스북 트위터 
판매가격 13,200원
적립금 132원
회원등급 최대
모델명 STN1110 Multiprotocol OBD II to UART Int
원산지 미국
제조사 ScanTool
할인쿠폰 바로 할인받는 쿠폰 12.8%쿠폰받기▶
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모바일/테블릿 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
배송 택배100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
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패키지 선택 (필수)
총 상품금액 13,200

STN1110 Multiprotocol OBD II to UART Interpreter

크기별 P/N :

(대) STN1110-1/SP    365101

(중) STN1110-1/SO    365111

(소) STN1110-1/MM    365121

STN1110 Multiprotocol OBD II to UART Interpreter 는 OBD 칩으로 다프로토콜 OBD를 UART 로 변환해 주는 변환기입니다.
ELM327 command set과 완전 호환되며,  가격, 성능, 기능, 안정성등에서 ELM327보다 더 좋은 성능을 보여줍니다.
자세한 내용은 아래 영어 내용 참조하세요

  • ELM327 AT command 와 완전한 호환
  • 확장된 ST command set
  • UART 인터페이스 (38 bps 부터10 Mbps)
  • OBD 로 제정된 모든 프로토콜 지원:
    • ISO 15765-4 (CAN)
    • ISO 14230-4 (Keyword Protocol 2000)
    • ISO 9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles)
    • SAE J1850 VPW (GM vehicles)
    • SAE J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles)
  • OBD 로 정의되지 않은 아래 프로토콜도 지원:
    • ISO 15765
    • ISO 11898 (raw CAN)
  • SAE J1939 OBD 프로토콜 지원
  • 우수한 자동 프로토콜 감지 알고리듬
  • 큰 메모리 버퍼
  • 밧데리 감시를 위한 입력 전압
  • RoHS 준수

    관련 제품::
    /goods/view.php?seq=498           << STN1110 개발보드
               << ECUsim 2000 ECU simulator
    /goods/view.php?seq=274           << OBDLink(USB)

    관련 자료::
    /board/view.php?seq=927&table=board3&page=  <<  ECUSim 2000등을 이용한 Test 예제



OBD 코드표 및 설명이 되어 있습니다.

*. OBD(On-Board Diagnostic, 배출가스 자기진단장치) 

STN1110 Multiprotocol OBD II to UART Interpreter

Quick Overview

STN1110 is a multiprotocol OBD to UART interpreter (OBD chip) that supports all OBD-II protocols, and is fully compatible with the ELM327 command set, while outperforming the original ELM327 IC in every category: stability, performance, features, and price. 

Product Description



On-Board Diagnostics, Second Generation (OBD-II) is a set of standards for implementing a computer based system to control emissions from vehicles. It was first introduced in the United States in 1994, and became a requirement on all 1996 and newer US vehicles. Other countries, including Canada, parts of the European Union, Japan, Australia, and Brazil adopted similar legislation. A large portion of the modern vehicle fleet supports OBD-II or one of its regional flavors.

Among other things, OBD-II requires that each compliant vehicle be equipped with a standard diagnostic connector (DLC) and describes a standard way of communicating with the vehicle’s computer, also known as the ECU (Electronic Control Unit). A wealth of information can be obtained by tapping into the OBD bus, including the status of the malfunction indicator light (MIL), diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), inspection and maintenance (I/M) information, freeze frames, VIN, hundreds of real-time parameters, and more.

STN1110 is an OBD to UART interpreter that can be used to convert messages between any of the OBD-II protocols currently in use, and UART. It is fully compatible with the de facto industry standard ELM327 command set. Based on a 16-bit processor core, the STN1110 offers more features and better performance than any other ELM327 compatible IC.

Feature Highlights

  • Fully compatible with the ELM327 AT command set
  • Extended ST command set
  • UART interface (baud rates from 38 bps to 10 Mbps)
  • Secure bootloader for easy firmware updates
  • Support for all legislated OBD II protocols:
    • ISO 15765-4 (CAN)
    • ISO 14230-4 (Keyword Protocol 2000)
    • ISO 9141-2 (Asian, European, Chrysler vehicles)
    • SAE J1850 VPW (GM vehicles)
    • SAE J1850 PWM (Ford vehicles)
  • Support for non-legislated OBD protocols:
    • ISO 15765
    • ISO 11898 (raw CAN)
  • Support for SAE J1939 OBD protocol
  • Superior automatic protocol detection algorithm
  • Large memory buffer
  • Voltage input for battery monitoring
  • Available in SPDIP, SOIC and QFN-S packages
  • RoHS compliant

PowerSave Sleep/Wakeup Triggers

The diagram shows the various triggers available in the STN11xx family of ICs. Please refer to the STN11xx PowerSave Functionality documentation for more details.



STN1110 Datasheet
STN1100 Family Reference Manual
STN1110 vs ELM327 Comparison
Firmware Updates
STN11xx PowerSave Functionality