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상품후기 마이페이지 고객센터

U6(+Pro), UE9(+Pro), T7(+Pro) 용 확장보드
CB37 : 입출력 추가용 터미널 보드
페이스북 트위터 
판매가격 80,300원
적립금 803원
회원등급 최대
모델명 CB37
원산지 미국
제조사 LabJack
할인쿠폰 바로 할인받는 쿠폰 12.8%쿠폰받기▶
좋아요 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
모바일/테블릿 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
배송 택배100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
총 상품금액 80,300
  • 상품명:CB37
  • 제조사: LabJack
  • 주기능: AI를 최대 14개까지 DI/O를 최대 8개까지 쓸 수 있게 해줌. 
  • 적용가능 모델: U6, U6-Pro, UE9, UE9-Pro, T7, T7-Pro

LabJack U6 및 UE9, T7 본체에 포함되지 않은 Analog Input 14 채널과 Digital I/O 8채널을 사용하기 위한 부속품입니다.

LJTick 신호 제어 모듈과 호환됩니다.

LabJack U6 및 UE9, T7에서는 현재 공간상의 제약으로 인해 4개의 Analog Input 과 4개의 Digital I/O용 connector 밖에 없습니다.
그래서 14개의 Analog Input과 8개의 Digital I/O를 추가 사용하기 위해 나온 제품입니다.
이 CB37 제품은 LabJack UE9, U6, T7 의 DB37 connector 부분에 직접 연결해서 사용합니다.
물론 37 Line 1:1 케이블을 사용해서 연결할 수도 있습니다.
CB37 이 LabJack 에 연결되자마자 Labjack 으로 부터 5 V 전원을 공급 받으며 녹색 LED 가 ON 됩니다.

CB37 Terminal Block -- The CB37 terminal board connects to the LabJack UE9’s DB37 connector and provides convenient screw terminal access. The CB37 is designed to connect directly to the LabJack, but can also connect via a 37-line 1:1 male-female cable (not included). Since the CB37 V2.1 has screw-terminals with the same IO/IO/GND/VS arrangement as the UE9 itself, it is compatible with LJTick signal conditioning modules.
The green LED on the CB37 is directly powered by the 5-volt supply (Vs) from the LabJack, so it should be lit whenever the CB37 is connected to a powered LabJack.
The CB37 PCB is mounted to a piece of Snaptrack. The Snaptrack is DIN rail mountable using Tyco part # TKAD (not included).
When using the analog connections on the CB37, the effect of ground currents should be considered, particularly when a cable is used and substantial current is sourced/sunk through the CB37 terminals. For instance, a test was done with a 6 foot cable between the CB37 and a LabJack UE9, and a 100 ohm load placed from Vs to GND on the CB37 (~50 mA load). A measurement of CB37 GND compared to UE9 GND showed 5.9 mV. If a signal was connected to AIN0 on the CB37 and referred to GND on the CB37, the UE9 reading would be offset by 5.9 mV. The same test with the CB37 direct connected to the UE9 (no cable) resulted in an offset of only 0.2 mV. In both cases (cable or no cable), the voltage measured between CB37 AGND and UE9 GND was 0.0 mV.
When any sizeable cable lengths are involved, a good practice is to separate current carrying ground from ADC reference ground. An easy way to do this on the CB37 is to use GND as the current source/sink, and use AGND as the reference ground. This works well for passive sensors (no power supply), such as a thermocouple, where the only ground current is the return of the input bias current of the analog input. Another option is to use a separate ground wire for loads requiring substantial current.

Download the CB37 datasheet