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로그인 장바구니 위시리스트
상품후기 마이페이지 고객센터

Signal Generator (0-10MHz, Sine, Square, Triangle)
CS700A : CS320A 및 CS328A용 신호발생기
페이스북 트위터 
판매가격 440,000원495,000원
적립금 4,950원
회원등급 최대
모델명 CS700
원산지 뉴질랜드
제조사 CleverScope
할인쿠폰 바로 할인받는 쿠폰 12.8%쿠폰받기▶
좋아요 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
모바일/테블릿 할인 0% 추가할인 0% 추가적립
배송 택배100,000원 이상 구매 시 무료
총 상품금액 495,000

CS700A는 CS328A 와 CS320A 에 사용하는 신호발생기(signal generator) 입니다
/goods/view?no=281   << CS320A
/goods/view?no=170   << CS328A


CS700A Signal Generator

The CS700A Signal Generator is a plug-in module for the CS328 and CS320 Oscilloscopes. If you order the CS700A at the same time as a CS328A or CS320A, the module will be factory fitted. Otherwise you can easily fit the module yourself.

The CS700A Signal generator generates sine, square and triangle output waveforms. The amplitude may be varied between 0 and 5V pk-pk, in 10mV steps. The offset maybe varied from –4 to +4V in 10 mV steps. The generator can be FSK and PSK modulated, and Frequency swept. The sweep may be synchronized with the Spectrum Analyser to carry out transfer response measurement. Two of the digital inputs may be allocated to switch between either of the two frequencies or two phases.



Item Value
Function Generate Sine, Square or Triangle output signals
Generation Method Direct Digital Synthesis
Output Sampling Rate 50 MSa/sec
Frequency Range Sine, Square: 0.003 Hz – 10 MHz
Triangle: 0.003Hz – 1 MHz
Resolution 0.003Hz (<1KHz) 0.2 Hz (>1kHz)
Accuracy 50 ppm in 1 year, 0-40 deg C
Output Voltage Range 100mV – 5V p-p including DC offset
Output Voltage Resolution 10 mV
Output Impedance 50 ohm
Output Voltage Offset Range -4 to +4V
Output Voltage Offset Resolution 10 mV
Frequency Shift Range Any two frequencies in range 0.2Hz – 10 MHz
Phase Shift Range Any phase difference between 0 – 360 degrees
Signal to Noise Ratio -60 dBc typical
Total Harmonic Distortion 0 – 1 MHz : < -65 dBc
> 1 MHz: < -35 dBc
Amplitude Flatness ± 0.2 dB
Amplitude Accuracy ± 2%
Square Wave Rise/Fall Times < 12 ns
Protection Short Circuit Protected
± 10V peak overdrive < 1 min